Are some of these woodcuts? No, but my drawing style does look that way. The more graphic pieces you see actually started life as black and white paintings on canvas. Then I decided to photograph and digitally paint some of them.

Can I get a larger print?
Yes. I use a local printer who does quality work. Shipping cost will be determined based on my direct cost. Just email and we can figure out best image size for your space.

Can we arrange pick up instead of shipping? Yes, that would be my preference. Email me from contact page and I will give you a coupon code for pick up and it will leave shipping off. In certain cases I can arrange delivery.

Do you do commissions?
 Absolutely! Feel free to email from the contact page regarding commissions.

What's your story? I have been an artist and printmaker my whole life. I have done commercial storyboards since people could smoke indoors and I have a BFA from University of Michigan - Go Blue! I used to only paint in oil, but acrylics have turned out to be fun, so most of my paintings are acrylic on wood. I love animals and it's cool that people like how I capture them. I have a real affinity for coyotes and bears... they've adapted to exist on the fringes of human society and they just seem smarter than us.